Affiliate Expo Sign Up
Hello Affiliates,
You're invited to join us for our Hinesville Area Board of REALTORS® Membership Luncheon and Affiliate Expo on May 22nd, 2024, at the Performing Arts Center (2140 E Oglethorpe Hwy, Hinesville, GA 31313) at 11:30 am (Setup starts at 10:30)

Affiliates Participation
We greatly value our affiliate partners and want to make this expo a fantastic success for everyone. Please sign up as soon as possible to help us with planning and ensure we have enough space. Space is limited, but we're excited to welcome as many of our affiliates as possible! This is a great, no-cost opportunity to network with our members and promote your business. To ensure we have enough lunch on hand, please let us know how many representatives from your company will attend.

Door Prizes
As always, we encourage you to bring door prizes to promote your business and add excitement to the event.

Sign Up no later than May 17, 2024
Peanut Butter & Jelly Drive
This year, we're excited to partner with the Manna House Food Pantry for a Peanut Butter & Jelly Drive to support their summer lunch program. Please bring your donations to the luncheon!

We look forward to seeing you there!
For further questions, please email or reach out to Lori at 

5/22/2024 11:30:00 AM to 5/22/2024 1:00:00 PM
Performing Arts Center
2140 East Oglethorpe Hwy  Hinesville ,GA 31313
Lori Versele

Instructor Information